
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Owe, I Owe It's Back to Work I Go

Well, the doctor has allowed me to go back to work as long as it's office work. My boss is nicely allowing me to work in the office for awhile. It's so weird working 9 to 5 instead of staying with a client for days at a time. I had almost forgotten what it was like going home at night. I had to do something though, after being out of work for almost 6 weeks I was using up all my savings. The doctor says at least four weeks before I can really start using the hand to lift, pull, push etc. anything heavier than 2 pounds.
I am almost done the Denim and Strings quilt top. All that I have left is the border and I'm going to cut that tonight and maybe start sewing it. I'll get a picture after that's finished. My daughter thinks it's "weird" that I can sew something like that when there's still so many other things I can't do. I had called her over to open a can of tuna, I just can't handle the can opener. LOL


Helen in the UK said...

Just checking out the HeartStrings blogring for the first time!!
Good luck with your back to work strategy - try not to overdo it :)

Mary Johnson said...

It's nice that you have been able to do some quilting. Hope you get back to your regular job soon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the never ending blanket, I have a huge amount of yarn from when I hit good ssales. Now I have a nice way to to use up the yarn and make space. I into the quilting thing now.