
Monday, March 3, 2008

Love the colors!

I really love how this one came out. The picture doesn't show just how bright it is but my only camera is on my cell and this is the best I can do. I used Simply soft yarn, the embroidery print yarn as well as grape and blue mist.


Anonymous said...

I love the colors. Photos never do justice.

Anonymous said...

Great job, Deb! And I love the colors, too!

Trisha said...

Wow....that's pretty. I put a few of the things I've made on my blog. When I get off my backside I'm going to put a link to my quilts there as well.

Kathie said...

Great colors. I browsed through your blog and enjoyed what I read. Plan to stop by again.
Blessings from Costa Rica,

Anonymous said...

nice work!

Anonymous said...

It's beautifull. Do you have the pattern on your web site. The colors are great.

Deb Upcycles said...

I got this pattern out of a book so I can't give it to you. Sorry.