Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Winner for the Red, White and Blue Contest

Wow, thank you all so much for all the squares, I was able to complete 3 RWB lapghans for veterans at my local nursing home! I would have taken a picture but was a little pressed for time. So sorry, no pic of the finished lapghans.

Now to the drawing, I gave everyone a number and wrote that number on slips of paper, 1 slip per square and then had my son draw a number and the winner is #5!!!! You say you want to know who #5 is?? Hold on, let me look at my list. #5 is Suzanne from WA!! Congrats Suzanne, for some rerason I didn't write down your last name so if your reading this could you email it to me at debsstuff5 (at) yahoo (dot) com. I have your address so it probably would get to you anyway but I don't want to take any chances.


  1. A great BIG CONGRATULATIONS to the winner, Suzanne :-)

    Happy 4th of July!

  2. hi love the sweater workig on it now it is so adorable thank
