Thursday, July 1, 2010

Square Makers Unite!! And Other Things to Talk About

The last week has been hectic. I was busy enough trying to get my son moved back in with me after college but then my old faithful car had to be put out to pasture. It's funny how things work out sometimes, on the same day my mechanic told me the bad news I was able to find another car that I could afford. (and it even runs!!)

About the squares, I have enough for now, but I found another great place to send them. Share a Square is collecting squares to make blankets for a summer camp for children with cancer sponsored by The American Cancer Society. For all the FAQs visit This Eclectic Life.

Anyway I have lots of things to take pictures of to show everyone, I'll try to find time to do it later. I did finish 2 RWB lapghans and have another one almost finished. I also received two more envelopes full within the last couple days. I will be doing the drawing in a little while.

I received more chemo caps from the members of Crochetlist, too. There's a drawing involved there also so I need to get on it!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the promo, Deb. I'm expecting that there will be a large turnout of folks ... at least there was two years ago. The more we have working on it, the lighter the load :-) I appreciate your help (and your lovely patterns!
