Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Reys Of Hope Project

This charity is from "back home" for me. I grew up in South Jersey and I know all the places they're talking about. They need all kinds of new and gently used clothing, baby supplies and toys. They don't say anything about hand crafted items but I really doubt they would turn them down!

Reys of Hope

1 comment:

  1. I am the Business Coordinator for Reys of Hope - I do their blog and web site. I am an heirloom sewer and make lots of stuff for our kids. I have some yarn I've collected - thinking I would learn how to crochet or knit - but right now I am too busy - I would like to donate it to your sister, Marie. Can you ask her to email me so we can connect. It isn't alot - but there is some wool and really nice soft stuff.
