Sunday, December 23, 2007

Six more done eight more to go

Another six done, I'm not going to do this type of challange again, I need some variety. I want to make hats!!! Just because. Just because it's something different!!
From top left hand corner going clockwise:

1. Yet another Never-Ending-Blanket

2. A blanket made in one large square with Baby Boucle that was donated by a very nice woman in one of my Yahoo groups. Thank you Angelika!

3 and 4 Two blankets made with baby homespun donated by Angelika and a white bulky yarn I already had.

5. A blanket made in the corner to corner fashion (will be posting pattern soon) made with self-striping yarn just to prove I could do something more than squares!!

And finally in the center (I almost consider this cheating) is a fleece blanket. I found a Project Linus site that explains several ways to make fleece blankets.


  1. I like the granny square blanket, how you used that off white for more than one round. Very nice work!

  2. Bless you Deb for giving so freely and caring so much. Many little lives are going to be touched by your caring efforts. I love the gorgeous work you are doing. The granny square blanket looks so cozy and cuddly just ready for little hands to hug it close.

    Bless you berni
