Saturday, December 15, 2007

Purple String Quilt

OK I finished another quilt top although I am considering putting a border on it. I didn't do such a good job of lining up the centers but I promise to do better next time. I belong to a Yahoo group called
Heart String Quilt Project that makes this kind of quilt for charities. You can make the blocks, or offer to put them together or quilt them or do it all. The charity you send them to is up to you.

To make a string block you can use either a paper or fabric foundation (I generally use paper but for anything I'll send to the group in the future it needs to be cloth). Using your rotary cutter you cut strips of fabric, this is a great way to use up scraps. You can make them all the same width or vary it as I did. Many people use the same fabric or same color fabric for the center. Starting at the center you simply sew on strips, ironing as you go, until you fill up the block. After trimming it's ready to put together.

I'm hoping that was clear enough but if you have any questions or suggestions just use the comment button below.


  1. Very cute! Don't worry too much about those centers lining up exactly - these are string quilts - variation adds to their charm.

  2. Wow, I'm thinking purple needs to be something I work with more. I love those colors!!

  3. The purple blocks are terrific! I like the little bits of yellow in there, too. Adds a bit of zing....

  4. I would like to try a string quilt!
